Should breast-feeding in public places, such as buses, be outlawed? Taylor mother being kicked off a public bus for breast-feeding is continuing to cause outrage in Metro Detroit.

According to reports, between 40-60 people gathered at a Troy SMART bus terminal for a mass nurse-in to show support for Afrykayn Moon, the mother who said she was told last week that she couldn't nurse while on a bus in June.
July 2, The Detroit News: "The nurse-in, staged by the Black Mothers Breast Feeding Association, took place Friday morning outside of a SMART bus terminal in Troy.
"The women posted signs that read 'Boobies for Babies,' 'Breast Feeding is not a Crime' and 'Human Milk 4 Human Babies.'
"When the babies cried, the mothers fed them.”
Moon, 32, held her ground during the June 24 confrontation, but the SMART system bus driver refused to leave the bus stop in Taylor until Moon's baby was done feeding, reports show.
Security officers from the nearby Southland Center mall boarded at the next stop and ordered the mother and child off the bus, Taylor police told WXYZ-TV.
And while there are laws protecting breast-feeding mothers from persecution, should it be allowed in a public places, such as buses? users have varying opinions on the matter.
Purplepeapods: “How and why would anyone sexualize breastfeeding? I don’t care if her breast was completely exposed. The baby is eating. If you can’t deal with that, don't suppose your ‘moral beliefs’ are the same as mine and protest,... look the other way. Some of you react as if she were a stripper swinging around on the bus poles. Ridiculous, grow up,......its a baby.”
Kemcha: “Did I hear that right? She shouldn't be exposing herself at all. Why didn't she bring a bottle, if she knew she was going to be riding on a bus? She only did this to make a big issue out of it and to try to get a lawsuit to come out of it.”
McGregor13: “Does the woman have a right to breastfeed on a bus? Absolutely. Is it good manners? Not in my opinion.”
Spartanshoes: :"What exactly do people think breasts are there for? They have one purpose...feeding babies!"
What do you think? Should there be more regulations on where/how breast-feeding can occur? Less? What should happen to the bus driver (currently on paid leave, pending an investigation

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