Rodgers-Cromartie OK with coming to Eagles

Dominique Rodgers-Cromartie can see the writing the wall.
The Cardinals cornerback wouldn't have gone on WIP-AM in Philadelphia if he didn't believe that a trade involving him and Eagles quarterback Kevin Kolb was in the works.
"It don't matter to me," Rodgers-Cromartie said to WIP hosts Anthony Gargano and Glen Macnow when they asked him about coming here.
For most of the interview, though, Rodgers-Cromartie tried his best to keep the wagon behind the horse. He said, in essence, that he is still a Cardinal and will plan on remaining one next season until otherwise.
Still, the only thing that apears to be holding up a Kolb-to-Rodgers-Cromartie trade is the end of the lockout and the start of player trades. There are various reports on when the Eagles can wheel and deal, but Tuesday seems to be the best guess at this point.
The deal was essentially agreed upon around the draft when the lockout was briefly lifted. The Cardinals and other teams know the parameters of what it would take in terms of a contract extension to get Kolb, league sources said.
If it's not the Cardinals, Seattle is the other likely destination for Kolb. They have been interested in the 26-year-old as far back as two seasons ago, but don't seem to have a player the Eagles would want in return.
Rodgers-Cromartie appears to be the guy the Eagles will get, though, perhaps along with a 2012 draft pick. He would immediately address the Eagles' need for a right cornerback. He's considered a strong cover corner, but there are questions about his tackling abilities.
"That's what they say," he said, "but I know how to hit."
Rodgers-Cromartie spoke positively about lining up opposite left cornerback Asante Samuel and how he would be open to learning from the veteran.
In other Eagles quarterback news, Michael Vick's agent said that his client remains interested in staying with the Eagles long term. The Eagles franchised Vick before the lockout, tendering a one-year contract expected to be worth around $16 million.
"I think a long-term deal is something both sides would covet," Joel Segal said today on NFL Network. "I will talk to [Eagles president] Joe Banner and explore that. I think Mike is amenable to it. He'd look forward to it. [He] loves Philly, loves the fans. He's a big Marty [Mornhinweg] fan, Andy Reid fan. If the Eagles are interested, we're definitely interested."
The Eagles are expected to offer Vick a contract extension at some point, but it won't likely come until after the flurry of free agent activity. Language in the new CBA ratified by the owners said that teams would have until Sept. 20 to extend franchised players. It's not necessarily known if the Eagles can wait until after that date or even franchise Vick next off-season.
As for the report that it was possible the Eagles could sign Brett Favre to be Vick's backup, Bus Cook splash some cold water on the notion.
"Brett Favre retired in January," Favre's agent said to the Associated Press. "He has not talked to any teams, including Carolina Panthers, Philadelphia Eagles, the Arizona Cardinals and the Seattle Seahawks. He has not talked to anyone about playing football. He’s retired, period.”
Of course, we've heard that before.

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