Microsoft announces Explorer Touch Mouse
The Explorer Touch Mouse features a touch strip that allows users to swipe horizontally or vertically and have that translated into a on-screen navigation. In addition to the touch strip, there’s a wheel featuring three scroll speeds - slow speed for precise movements, medium speed to move forward a page or two, or hyperfast speed to flick quickly through a long document. Oh, and if that’s not enough, there are also five buttons for you to customize and play with.
The mouse also features haptic technology in the form of a vibration when the touch strip is used.
The Explorer Touch Mouse makes use of BlueTrack Technology for seamless scrolling on a variety of surfaces - everything from your carpet to your couch to your pant leg, according to Microsoft.
Worried about battery life? Don’t! This mouse offers up to 18 months of battery life - a first for Microsoft.
The Explorer Touch Mouse will be available in September for $49.95.
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