Chavez Addresses Supporters in Venezuela

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has addressed thousands of cheering supporters from the balcony of his presidential palace in Caracas, hours after returning home from Cuba, where he underwent cancer surgery.
President Chavez discussed his health during the 30-minute speech Monday evening, telling the crowd he will win this “battle for life.” The president, who was wearing a green military uniform and red beret, also said he had to submit to “strict” medical treatment.
Many of his supporters waved the Venezuelan flag as well as banners bearing his image and at times, interrupted his speech with chants. At one point during the address, the president held up a small crucifix and kissed it.
The Venezuelan leader's return to the South American country in the early-morning hours Monday came one day before the country celebrates the 200th anniversary of its independence from Spain.
Last week, President Chavez announced in a televised speech from Cuba that he underwent surgery there to remove a tumor with “cancerous cells.” He did not indicate the type of cancer he had, and questions remain about how sick he is. Prior to that surgery, Mr. Chavez underwent an operation in Cuba for what officials said was an abscess in his pelvic area.
On Sunday, a Cuban government website posted a four-minute video of Mr. Chavez on the island. It showed him walking in an outdoor location and conversing with several people.
The 56-year-old Chavez looked thinner and less robust but was seen joking with his visitors, who included Venezuelan Foreign Minister Nicolas Maduro.
Mr. Chavez has ruled Venezuela since 1999

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