"I arrived today at the court - I had come straight from the airport actually, having just returned from Munich, my home town. I felt nervous, of course, I don't really like to be in crowds, and I was worried about how many people would be there. When I arrived there were already a lot of journalists there, and paparazzi who followed me in to the court.
"When we got in they took the witnesses' passports and took all our names - and then we waited. John Galliano arrived with his bodyguard - who sat in the fourth row - and immediately the lawyer of Geraldine Bloch said, 'Why is the bodyguard here, he should leave,' but the judges said they didn't mind and that he could sit with Galliano.
"After the charges were read, the five witnesses were taken to a room and we all sat in silence, I don't think we were allowed to talk to each other actually - but anyway no one did. The first witness was taken, I think she is an English teacher, and then I was second.
"After I was sworn in, the judges asked me to confirm my name; my profession, my age - and then asked me about the night of the incident. I told them I was a fashion student - at ESMOD in Paris, I just graduated this week - and then they asked me to explain what happened: where I was sitting; what I saw on that night. I used a translator when I testified - I speak French, but not fluently, so maybe for the same reason as Galliano I just wanted to speak English. Maybe he felt more comfortable speaking his own language too; there were a lot of legal terms.
"I told the judges that I was facing John Galliano in the bar at a nearby table and that I saw the whole situation. I told them that I only started to pay attention to what was happening when Bloch spoke: I heard her say something to Galliano and he replied, saying she was ugly and so was her bag. The conversation went on like this and then the woman, Bloch, went to speak to the manager. The couple didn't want to move table and then ordered more drinks. Then they started to argue; I heard Galliano call her a bitch, and the couple responded, calling him ugly and disgusting. The man, Virgitti, turned his chair to look at Galliano in a certain way and then he lifted the chair as if to hit Galliano. At this point Galliano's driver stepped in and Virgitti said he would call the police and Galliano said 'Go ahead, call them'. Then I heard Galliano say 'Hey Asian, do you have papers?' - he spoke in English throughout the argument.
"The judges asked 'Did you hear him say the word Jewish; anything about Jews?' And I said no, because I didn't. I wasn't in court when she testified but I understand the first witness, the English teacher, said the same.
"Then Bloch's lawyer cross-examined me; he said 'How has it come to be that you're a witness?'. I replied that I contacted Mr Zerbib [Galliano's former lawyer] because I was there, I saw what happened and when I saw what was reported in the press I wanted to go forward because what was being reported wasn't true. I was the person closest to the couple when it happened so I wanted everyone to know what really happened. Then he asked me, 'How does a fashion student find the details of Mr Zerbib?' and I said 'Google'.
"Then Galliano's new lawyer asked me whether I did this for my career; to get a job; to be famous - and I said honestly, no. I did not speak to Galliano's lawyer at all before the trial, he wanted me to be neutral: he didn't greet me when I arrived, he didn't contact me. I just wanted to get it over with.
"After I finished, they said I could stay or leave, but I just wanted to go. I'd been there since 2pm so left at 6. I was glad it was over. I just tried my best, so I had no reason to feel bad.
"When I left, the press were there again, asking me questions, but I just stayed quiet and tried to find the exit. My dad sent someone with me, like a bodyguard, to look after me, so we just left as quickly as we could.