Doctor Who star Karen Gillan could have done with just that when she reportedly got stranded naked in a hotel corridor at 7am after a night partying.
The flame-haired beauty, 23, who plays the Time Lord’s assistant Amy Pond, was allegedly found trying another guest’s door while she was on the week-long promotional junket.
One claimed Karen was “whimpering” at his door. He said: “I went to the peephole then I saw this woman naked, trying to wrap towels around her and not having much luck. She started to whimper and knock on my door.
Show boss Stephen Moffatt and Matt Smith, who plays the Doctor, were also on the trip.
Last night, a spokesman for BBC Worldwide, the corporation’s commercial arm, said: “We’re unaware of this alleged incident.”
A BBC source added: “BBC Worldwide does not use licence fee income to operate – so this international publicity trip was not funded by the licence fee payer.”