Rita Hayworth and (soon-to-be husband) Orson Welles performing in “The Mercury Wonder Show,” August 1943. Combining magic, carnival, and humor, the show was part of the home front war effort put on for servicemen during the war.
Blog Archive
- For the Boys: The life-blood of victory
- Bathing Beauties: Dorothy Malone
- Reflections: Anita Ekberg
- Outlandish Hats: Katherine Hepburn
- Bevy of Beauties 15: The Saturday Night Kid (1929)
- Out on the Town: Lana Turner
- The Art of the Dangle 15: Monicaaaah
- Postcards - Miscellaneous (2)
- Modern Femmes Fatale: Part 29
- Inside Looking Out: Ladies Behind Bars 7
- Rub-a-dub-dub: Lana Turner
- Smoking in Bed: Joan Bennett
- Sweater Girl: Ruth Roman
- For the Boys: Rita Hayworth & Orson Welles
- Bathing Beauties: Shirley Eaton
- Reflections: Veronica Lake
- Outlandish Hats: Marina Franca
- Bevy of Beauties 14: Roughshod (1949)
- On The Set: Alfred Hitchcock
- The Art of the Dangle 14: Kay Francis
- Postcards - Miscellaneous (1)
- Fished from the bitstream 9
- Modern Femmes Fatale: Part 28
- Inside Looking Out: Ladies Behind Bars 6
- Rub-a-dub-dub: Jeanne Moreau
- Smoking in Bed: Carole Lombard
- Sweater Girl: Jane Fonda
- Easter Bunnies
- For the Boys: Marlene Dietrich
- Bathing Beauties: Ann Savage